“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and know, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:16-20


Parish Finance Council

According to Canon 537 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law: “Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law, as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop: in this council the Christian faithful selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods with due regard for the prescription of Canon 532”, as stated in the Guidelines for Parish Finance Council promulgated in 2009 by Bishop D’Arcy. Our parish has a Parish Financial Council, with the purpose of advising the pastor in administering the ecclesiastical goods of the parish according to universal and particular law. This Council is composed of 5 members of our parish truly skilled in financial affairs and of outstanding integrity, and they are selected by the pastor, and are appointed by the pastor for a term of five (5) years that is renewable. Members of the Parish Pastoral Council as well as any parish employees or individuals with a conflict of interest, are not to be members of the Parish Finance Council. The Parish Finance Council does not cease if the pastorate becomes vacant through transfer or death, but when a new pastor is appointed to a parish, he should convene anew the Parish Finance Council within three months of his appointment.

The Parish Finance Council’s responsibilities include:

  • Assisting the pastor with preparation of the parish budget.
  • Reviewing the income and expenditures of that budget quarterly.
  • Reviewing the parish school budget and the actual expenditures and income quarterly.
  • Advising the pastor concerning the parish balance sheet.
  • Advising the pastor regarding school tuition and all other parish charges.
  • Advising the pastor regarding fundraising activities within the parish.
  • Advising the pastor regarding financial feasibility of proposed building projects.
  • Advising the pastor regarding salaries and hourly rates of pay for employees.
  • Advising the pastor regarding review and repayment of any parish debt.
  • Advising the pastor on all contracts which are not cancelable within thirty (30) days of notice and which exceed a total payment of $5,000.
  • Advising the pastor prior to the acquisition or alienation of any parish property with an estimated value in excess of $5,000.
  • Being available as a resource to the parish pastoral council.
  • Being familiar with and advising on all diocesan guidelines for banking, fundraising, building and accounting.
  • Helping the pastor establish and manage a parish endowment program.

Finally, Parish Finance Council members hold meetings presided over by the pastor, at least four times a year. At the meetings, they sign annually the statement sent to the Bishop, stating the dates of meetings held in a fiscal year and the fact that the Council members were adequately informed on the parish financial status. (For more information see the Guidelines for Parish Finance Council in the link from the Diocese Business Office).


Liturgy/Lay Ministries

Altar Servers
All children that have received their first Holy Communion and are in the 4th grade and older, including teens and adults, along with Fathers of servers, are encouraged to join in this important service and function at Mass. To get more information and to learn about serving at the Mass, contact Todd Brinker (260-637-3639, Paul Mills (260-691-2931), or Ed Muehlfeld (260-691-3435).

Any parishioner is welcomed to cantor at Mass or to play the musical instruments in companion to the music at Mass.   If interested, please contact Father Drew.

Must be fully initiated and live their faith seriously. A lector must have good skills in proclamation, complete training and formation in this ministry and be approved by the pastor. To become a proclaimer of the readings at Sunday Masses, contact Father Drew or the Parish Office. 

Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality
This ministry is open to men, women, families, sons and daughters, who like to greet people as they enter church before Mass begins and assist in seating people. These ministers also take up the collection and arrange who will bring gifts to the altar. To become an usher and a member of the welcoming committee at Sunday Masses, contact Father Drew or the Parish Office. 

Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist
Must be fully initiated and live their faith seriously. An Extraordinary Minister must be mature, sincere, capable and complete training and formation in this ministry and be approved by the pastor. To become involved in this ministry, contact Father Drew or the Parish Office.

Home Bound
The shut-ins and the home-bounds are visited with the Holy Communion each Sunday. If you know someone not able to attend Sunday Mass due to age or illness, you are encouraged to inform the Pastor or contact Parish Office.

Altar Flowers/Church Decoration
We are currently reorganizing this ministry. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in helping with this ministry.

Prayer Chain
If you need to be added to the prayer chain or if you have someone that needs to be added, call the parish office at 693-9578.

Parish Pastoral Council

As stated in the Fort Wayne –South Bend diocesan model status for a parish pastoral council, the Parish Pastoral Council is the organ established in each parish, which helps the pastor develop a “mission focused” parish, rather than a parish driven by only programs or finances. Both the Parish Finance Council and the Parish Pastoral Council meet regularly, with the goal of recommending and providing, after prayerful and wise deliberations, valuable guidance for the Pastor and Parish. The Pastor presides over the Parish Pastoral Council (can.536§1). While not obliged to follow the recommendations of the Pastoral Council, the discussions and deliberations of the council should inform and provide insights for the Pastor in his role as shepherd, guide and leader. In other words, the purpose and duties of the Parish Pastoral Council include:

  1. Drawing all persons into a believing, loving, serving, evangelizing community which, guided by the Holy Spirit, gives glory to God the Father through Jesus Christ.
  2. Following the teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ as revealed through the Roman Catholic Church in communion with the Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.
  3. Continual Parish spiritual renewal and outreach.
  4. Helping set Parish direction while listening to the needs of Parish members followed by prayerful reflection.
  5. Communicating and supporting the policy and programs of the Bishop of Fort Wayne- South Bend to the people.
  6. Exercising its consultative role in support of the Pastor who has sole responsibility to the Bishop for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the Parish.

So, under the leadership of the Pastor, who is the presider of the Parish Pastoral Council, the Council is the primary advisory body with responsibility for the life and welfare of the parish, under the Holy Spirit’s guidance for the good of the parish community (For more information see the model statues for parish pastoral council in the link from the diocese, under the Vicar General).

Membership and Meetings:
Since the Council is representative of the community, the council has a representation of all the people of the parish and each of these members must be registered, active and practicing Catholics of at least 18 years of age who has a deep commitment to the faith as well as concern for the needs of the Parish. The  members serve three-year terms, renewable once, and are appointed by the Pastor. The newly appointed members are installed in July when they take office officially. At the first meeting, the following officers Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary are elected by the Parish Pastoral Council members annually to serve from that July 1st meeting through the last meeting in June.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Do you know someone who is interested in joining the Catholic Church? The RCIA is a process through which inquiring adults and teens are gradually introduced to our Roman Catholic beliefs and practices. There are various stages of the conversion journey and our informal gatherings are sensitive to individual needs, questions, and situations. If an individual has not been previously baptized, and through study and prayer discerns to join the Catholic Church, usually they are fully initiated by receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. For those who have been already baptized in another faith tradition, following the same process of study and prayer, they would be candidates for full communion, and make a statement of faith, be confirmed and receive Eucharist at the Easter Vigil also.

At St. John Bosco the RCIA currently meet on Sundays at 9:00 to 10:00am. We also invite inquirers from Immaculate Conception, Ege, to join our group.


For more information, questions or registration, please contact:
Laura Stout, 260-466-1976

Bishop Rhoades celebrates the sacrament of Confirmation every spring for Catholic adults who have not been confirmed. If you would like to receive this sacrament, please contact Laura Stout.

Religious Education

St. John Bosco Parish places a high priority on the Religious Education of our children. Our goal is to share our faith in Jesus Christ and his Church, to help the children personally know Jesus, and to joyfully claim their Catholic identity. Classes meet every Sunday from the third Sunday in September until the end of April. Our First Communion (2nd Graders) is always the first Sunday in May, and the date of Confirmation (8th Graders) varies from year to year. Classes are held in the Religious Education Building across the street from the Church, and are scheduled from 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.. We invite all parents to register their children for our program, and a registration form is included on this website for your convenience. Registration is open for Pre-Schoolers through 8th Grade.

St. John Bosco Religious Education Registration Form (PDF)

St. John Bosco Religious Education Calendar (PDF)

Attendance Policy

Revised Policies

For more information about our program, please contact:
Jill Brososky, (260) 466-3442

Rosary Society

All women of our parish are invited to come to our monthly Rosary meetings.  Our goal is that we may all grow spiritually and socially as we encounter other women of faith in our parish family.  At our meetings, we come to know each other better through fellowship and fun and is an excellent opportunity to create new friendships.

Sue Gilbert, President 260-693-2429

Rosary Society meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement

SPARC Men's Group

We are Catholic men who seek to Rekindle the Fire of Christ's love within us and become better leaders, friends, husbands, fathers and sons; the men God calls us to be, through prayer, fellowship, faith and spiritual service to our family, parish and community.

Contact Jamey Fischer for more information at 260-443-3590

The SPARC Men's Group meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement.